It’s a participatory sound bath that activates all of your senses, and has been measured to produce transpersonal states of consciousness after 15 minutes of immersion.
SoundSelf introduces “surrender practice” and “psychedelic memory reactivation” into the tool-kit .
Multiple research studies have shown that experiencing SoundSelf results in large and significant improvements in anxiety, depression, mindfulness, and wellbeing.

SoundSelf is an interactive technology for facilitating transpersonal states of consciousness, as you might otherwise enjoy through meditation training and entheogen use. It helps you activate these states by engaging a biometric feedback loop between your voice and your breath. SoundSelf is most often used to support psychedelic therapy as a preparation and integration tool, but it is also a powerful adjunct for other transformative practices. How it Works: SoundSelf induces a state change by modulating respiration, visual gaze, and interoception–all within a dynamic, interactive flow state. Research conducted with participants who used SoundSelf 1-3 times per week showed statistically significant increases in measures of mindfulness and wellbeing. Additionally, participants experienced reduced rigidity of prior beliefs, greater psychological meaning-making, renewed self-efficacy, and heightened awareness of voice and embodiment. SoundSelf can be used for: Preparation for Psychedelic Therapy Integrating Past Psychedelic Experiences Removing Charge from Undesirable Emotional Patterns Activating Unitive States of Consciousness Quieting Mental Chatter Improving Sensory Awareness & Embodiment Improving Sleep Improving Creativity SoundSelf engages your voice in a biofeedback loop enhanced by vibro-acoustics and light therapy. It’s a participatory sound bath that activates all of your senses, and has been measured to produce transpersonal states of consciousness after 15 minutes of immersion. SoundSelf introduces “surrender practice” and “psychedelic memory reactivation” into the therapist’s tool-kit . Multiple research studies have shown that experiencing SoundSelf results in large and significant improvements in anxiety, depression, mindfulness, and wellbeing. Enter a transpersonal state by engaging you in a centuries-old practice called toning. You’ll breathe deeply and exhale in long extended tones, SoundSelf will produce audio/video feedback to shift you into deep meditation. Chanting has played a powerful role in transformative practice for literally thousands of years, and we’re using modern technology to amplify that power. Combining ancient toning practices with state of the art technology The interactive software uses biofeedback to weave together the haptic and light technology for an unforgettable wellness experience Comparison of SoundSelf with Classical Psychedelic Therapy SoundSelf is a new class of digital experience, called a “technodelic.” The intensity of psychological release is greater than a guided meditation or breathwork session, but less than a full journey using classical psychedelics like psilocybin. It’s an interactive feedback loop between a person’s voice and dynamically generated music and visuals. So it’s basically a videogame. But it easily leads the mind into the kind of reverent stillness that is typically only attained through deep meditation practice or psychedelic journey work. You’re lying on a vibroacoustic bed, and you’re wearing light glasses. But it’s your voice that ties the whole sensory experience together in such a personalized and intimate way. The technology guides players into a pattern of breathing and vocal toning that activates the vagus nerve and decreases autonomic arousal, or makes you feel more calm and relaxed. soundSelf is a tool that can amplify any therapeutic process by precisely directing awareness within deeply relaxed states of consciousness. You are opened up to more information from the body and the psyche. It is as if the doors of perception into our emotional and feeling worlds are temporarily open, and you’re given an opportunity to be with yourself in a new way. Here are some testimonials: “SoundSelf is invaluable to my practice, as it helps my clients relieve any anxiety they have about dropping into deeper states of consciousness. After experiencing SoundSelf, my clients are so much more comfortable doing medicine work. They feel more confident to let go and surrender within themselves.” “One patient 87 yr old, really good physical but severe mental deterioration. Two 40 min sessions every 3rd day. Went from not being able to even recall symptoms to confidence to talk cogently and clearly. Helped her sleep better at night. Extremely well-rested in 2nd session, and during all 3 extended sessions.” “I had one of my patients on the tech today who is a major figure in the academic world for the study of trauma, and she had a really profound experience for the second time in a row now. She felt as though she let go of a significant amount of grief, and was visibly very moved by the experience after it. So much so that she said she would be interested in having me run the tech on trauma patients and then she would work with them after the session to help them integrate and work with what was revealed.” “When I first tried SoundSelf I was amazed! All my senses were immediately engaged and activated, like a journey was beginning. Yet I felt happy, at peace, and trusting of the process to both relax and stimulate me, and surprise and delight me. I was able to explore my inner world of thought, feeling, and sensation, and a new part of myself- my voice with vibration, light, and music, as I moved energy in my mind and body. I then invited a dozen more people to go through it- all with powerful experiences of increased self-awareness, self-regulation, and things like creativity.” “I feel like the master of the universe. It empowers me. I can actually feel my voice creating my reality. We have that esoteric concept that our voice creates reality. But this gives us a visceral experience of it. You actually experience your voice creating reality. It’s so profound. The ultimate 20 minute power nap… that too.” “I’ve never experienced anything like that. I got visualize and feel my own frequency through listening to my voice being reverberated back to me.” “Surprised, man, genuinely. This is pure magic.” “Profound relaxation. Like, deep restfulness.” “I just feel present. I feel here. Soundself is one of those experiences that breaks people open and allows them to see a different mode of being, and it can be very transformational for people.” “SoundSelf is really helpful in allowing my clients to drop into deeper states of consciousness without medicine. We can use SoundSelf to help them move through any nervousness or anxiety they may have in dropping into transpersonal states of consciousness. This really helps my practice in that my clients are so much more comfortable doing medicine work and feel more confident to let go and surrender within themselves.”